Want to be listed on this site? Please use the submission form provided.
Or please submit via E-mail to : Jeffrey A. Hamman
= Lebanon Veteran, USN
= Lebanon Veteran, USA
= Direct family member
= Civilian in Lebanon
Entire List
More names from Lost Buddies locator [www.thefew.com]
(Some e-mail addresses are not provided in those cases where privacy is
maintained, pending approval, person travels frequetly or have none.)
NOTE: Names in green indicate newest entries.
Albright, Ronald W.(Bud) - Added to Contacts Database
Amsler, Thomas - Added to Contacts Database
Anderson, Adam - Added to Contacts Database
Armstrong, Edwin "Al" - Added to Contacts Database
Arnold, Scott W. - Added to Contacts Database
Arroyo, Pablo - Added to Contacts Database
Artman, Tim - Added to Contacts Database
Ballard, Bill - Added to Contacts Database
Barbella, Mike - Added to Contacts Database
Barry, Brendan - Added to Contacts Database
Bennett, Daniel "DP" - Added to Contacts Database
Billings, Henry - Added to Contacts Database
Bowler, Rebecca - Added to Contacts Database
Brown, James "Ed" - Added to Contacts Database
Brown, Steve - Added to Contacts Database
Buckmaster, Gregg - Added to Contacts Database
Buczynski, Bill "Ski" - Added to Contacts Database
Calloway, Chris "Cal" - Added to Contacts Database
Canning, James - Added to Contacts Database
Carr, Mike - Added to Contacts Database
Cavallaro, Michael "Cav" - Added to Contacts Database
Ciliberto, Antonio - Added to Contacts Database
Cioffi, Robert "Chi" - Added to Contacts Database
Clatchey, Randi - Added to Contacts Database
Clepper, Mike (Clep) - Added to Contacts Database
Cliff, Rodney - Added to Contacts Database
Cook, Debbie (and Joe) - Added to Contacts Database
Cosenza , Pasquale "Pat"- Added to Contacts Database
Cosgro, Blaine - Added to Contacts Database
Cox, Evi - Added to Contacts Database
Curtis, Jeffrey J. - Added to Contacts Database
Damigo, Mike - Added to Contacts Database
Dammarell, Anne - Added to Contacts Database
Doherty, Daniel J. - Added to Contacts Database
Dolphin, Glenn E. - Added to Contacts Database
Dwyer, Paul - Added to Contacts Database
Dye, Dale A. - Added to Contacts Database
Eastman, James - Added to Contacts Database
Ellzey, Michael - Added to Contacts Database
Ettore, Mike - Added to Contacts Database
Everhart, Rick - Added to Contacts Database
Fabian, Carey - Added to Contacts Database
Ferguson, John (Mike/Fergie) - Added to Contacts Database
Fioretti, Joe (Fred) - Added to Contacts Database
Fleming, Chris (Flem) - Added to Contacts Database
Forsberg, Mark "Doc" - Added to Contacts Database
Fortier, Guy - Added to Contacts Database
Frazee, Glen - Added to Contacts Database
Frear, Ed Jr. - Added to Contacts Database
Frye, Charles - Added to Contacts Database
Gannaway, John - Added to Contacts Database
Giambra, Tom- Added to Contacts Database
Gilseth (formerly Hamilton), Mona - Added to Contacts Database
Gingrich, Milt - Added to Contacts Database
Glenn, Gary - Added to Contacts Database
Gonzalez, Jesus (Jessie) - Added to Contacts Database
Goodwin, Michael "Goodie" "Doc" - Added to Contacts Database
Goss, Kenneth (Kenny) - Added to Contacts Database
Graham, Jeff "Menace" - Added to Contacts Database
Greene, Charles S. - Added to Contacts Database
Grey, Christopher P. - Added to Contacts Database
Gruba, Leo - Added to Contacts Database
Guilfoil, Dan - Added to Contacts Database
Hamilton, Jay - Added to Contacts Database
Hamilton (now Gilseth ), Mona - See above under Gilseth - Added to Contacts Database
Hamman, Jeffrey A. - Added to Contacts Database
Hancock, Richard (Rick) - Added to Contacts Database
Hankins, (First name pending) - Added to Contacts Database
Hartmann, Brian "Chipper" - Added to Contacts Database
Haskell (now Wells ), Christine - See below under Wells - Added to Contacts Database
Haskell, Jay and Melissa - Added to Contacts Database
Hastings, Samuel - Added to Contacts Database
Hay, Alexander - Added to Contacts Database
Haynes, Denis - Added to Contacts Database
Heern, William P. (Paul) - Added to Contacts Database
E-Mail (William & Susie): heernw@mwr.kic.or.jp or herndawg@hotmail.com
Heffernan, Dan "Heff" - Added to Contacts Database
Higgins, Donald - Added to Contacts Database
Higgins, Robin [LtCOL, USMC (RET)] - Added to Contacts Database
Hollingshead, Bruce - See below under Rogers
Holt, Michael S. - Added to Contacts Database
Horton, Wayne - Added to Contacts Database
Houle, Pierre - Added to Contacts Database
Hutton, Jerry - Added to Contacts Database
Hutton, Patrick "Doc" - Added to Contacts Database
Jacobs, Thomas - Added to Contacts Database
Jenkins, Larry - Added to Contacts Database
Jensen, Keith - Added to Contacts Database
Johnston (Johnston-Buckner), Alicia - Added to Contacts Database
Jordan, Robert - Added to Contacts Database
Kirk, Peggy - Added to Contacts Database
Kirkpatrick, Brian "Kirk" - Added to Contacts Database
Kirlin, Robert P. - Added to Contacts Database
Kovach, Daniel - Added to Contacts Database
Kremer, Daniel - Added to Contacts Database
Krick, Gregg - Added to Contacts Database
Lancour , Gerald N. Jr. - Added to Contacts Database
Lange, Ken - Added to Contacts Database
LaRock, Louis R. - Added to Contacts Database
Latimer, Donald - Added to Contacts Database
Lester, Judye - Added to Contacts Database
Lewis, Eric "The Lew" - Added to Contacts Database
Lewis, Robert - Added to Contacts Database
Lord, David - Added to Contacts Database
Macroglou, Bill and Lorraine - Added to Contacts Database
Maczynski, Tom "Ski" - Added to Contacts Database
Martin, Joe "Mongo"
Contact with webmaster: 19 Dec 1998
Added to this database: 21 Jan 1999
Rank (at time): (pending) / USMC
Lebanon Unit: P.I.S.C. Plt. 288 '76; "Golf" 2/8 '77-'80
Lebanon Deployment: -
Currently Living: -
Association: In 2/8, lost buddies in Lebanon from unit
Comments: Have known for long time that have to make pilgrimage back to "Jay-ville" and CLNC to memorial... pay respects to Spirits of those who paid price. Up to now I have never had means to make long trip required. Nor could get past hard feelings. SSGT Alex Ortega - knew him pretty well. Am searching list of names to see if anyone else I knew. By summer I'll make the trip. Welcome Home. And thanks again for your honorable work for those guys. Peace.
E-Mail: mongo@nvinet.com
Marvin, Bernear "Bernie" or "Marauder" - Added to Contacts Database
Maurer, Don "Sgt. Mau-Mau" - Added to Contacts Database
McDonough, Ed & Lynn
Unit: U.S. Army stationed in Ft. Sill, Oklahoma in Oct. 83
Association: Ed's brother (Lynn's brother-in-law) James, was killed in the bombing. See Ed's web page in tribute to his brother:
SGT James E. McDonough, USMC Comments: First I would like to thank you for creating this particular site.
I am the brother of one of the bombing victims and I would just like to go on record with the fact that James McDonough was promoted posthumously to the rank of SGT. A lot of what I've read I missed because I myself, was in the military (USArmy). Many details were unknown to me until now. Over the years, I¹ve spoken to a few of Jimmy's friends, who where in Beirut at the time, and they told me stories that were more than likely not to be known by anyone. Thank you again.
E-Mail (Ed): Ed.McDonough@pcbyte.net
or E-Mail (Lynn): Lynn.McDonough@pcbyte.net
Make HTML Page
McIntosh Jr., Grant Thomas
Contact with webmaster: 17 Mar 1998
Added to this database: 19 Mar 1998
Rank (at time): Special Agent, Naval Investigative Service (Independent Duty to Multinational Peace Keeping Force, Beirut 1983)
Rank (current): Active Special Agent, NCIS Jacksonville, FL USA
Currently Living: Jacksonville, FL USA
Lebanon Unit: Naval Investigative Service Resident Unit (NISRU) 60XL
Lebanon Deployment: Jul 83 - Nov 83
Association: Assigned to Beirut, Investigated the BLT Bombing and lost many friends.
Comments: Arrived at BIA on 22JUL83, serving thru 23NOV83 as the only civilian NIS Special Agent assigned to the Multinational Peace Keeping Force. Along with my partner, USMC CID CWO4 Henry J. (Hank) Bell, we conducted routine Criminal and Counterintelligence Investigations for the USN/USMC in the Beirut AOR, both ashore for the 24th MAU and at sea for vessels assigned to COMPHIBRON 8. We were the first US Criminal Investigators on scene who initiated the investigative actions into the BLT 1/8 Bombing investigtion.
E-Mail: AMQHRS@aol.com
Mcleod, Robert "Mac Attack" - Added to Contacts Database
McMahon Tim - See below under Thielepape
Mechling, C. E. Jr. "Chief" (NOTE: E-mail sent to the above address is returned, so it may be invalid or out-of-date)
Contact with webmaster: 04 Jun 1999
Added to this database: 17 Oct 1999
Rank (at time): SGT / USMC
Rank (current): CAPT / USMC (Reserves)
Lebanon Unit: 24th MAU 2/8 (BLT) "Tent City" in Beirut then
Currently Living: FL USA
Lebanon Deployment: Apr 82
Association: Knew McDonough, Capt Haskell, Jeff Young, Buckmaster, Blankenship, 1stSGT Wells, SSgt West... probably many, many others...
Comments: I served with all of the above as the only AmerIndian Forward Observer with Weapons Company 2/8 during the above dates. I have fond memories of all listed, especially Jeff Young (my former RTO), SSGT West (I shared a house with him south of Geiger, Blankenship (visited his home and relatives), 1stSGT Wells (tough, stumpy, and had a "IF IT AIN'T COUNTRY...IT AIN'T SHIT" bumper sticker on his white truck, Buckmaster (loud, funny, sometimes obnoxious boot from the dragon company (I think) or 1st section mortar platoon and lastly Capt., Haskell; my last CO from Weapons Company immediately following our (the) first modern era Beirut deployment and susequent return to CONUS. Capt., Haskell was a (like me... now) a mustanger and signed my discharge fitness report. I am looking forward to family contacts via EMAIL posted earlier this date to share other personal details.
E-Mail: mechling2@earthlink.net
Messer, Rick - Added to Contacts Database
Meyer, David D. - Added to Contacts Database
Miller, Robert "Mills" - Added to Contacts Database
Mitchell, Timothy - Added to Contacts Database
Moffo, Jerry - Added to Contacts Database
Moore, Michael - Added to Contacts Database
Moreau, C. X.
Contact with webmaster: 29 Jun 1998
Added to this database: 25 May 1998
Rank (at time): NCO / USMC
Unit: (pending)
Lebanon Deployment: (pending)
Currently Living: Charlotte, NC USA
Association: Veteran of Beirut
Comments: Author of the novel "Distant Valor", a story set during the mission to Beirut. More information about the book can be obtained by its listing in the REFERENCES section of this site or by visiting the following URL:
E-Mail: cxmoreau@zackcompany.com
[ PLEASE NOTE: C. X. Moreau is not on-line at this time. However, you can send him mail at the above e-mail address and his publisher will forward mail sent to him via regular mail. Since he is listed through his publisher, the e-mail address is _not_ direct to the author and he can not respond via e-mail.]
Mullins, Mike
Contact with webmaster: 04 Aug 1997
Added to this database: 02 Nov 1997
Rank (at time): CPL / USMC
Rank (current): -
Currently Living: WV USA
Lebanon Unit: HMM-162 24th MAU
Lebanon Deployment: May 83 - Dec 83
Association: Worked in the Avionics shop and ran the bar at Rock Base with MGYSGT O.L. Gandy
Comments: I remember standing there and hearing the Earth scream. To those that were there, they know what I mean. God bless all those that gave their all that fall morning in that hot despicable climate. To those that have fallen and will rise no more SEMPER FI ! To those that still stand GOD BE WITH YOU !
Love to hear from any former or present Marines, especially those from HMM-162.
Thanks for the page, it helps to stay in touch. I lost a lot on that day, and I've lost more by not writing my brothers.
E-Mail: michael.mullins@augustanet.de
Murtha, Brian - Added to Contacts Database
Nance, Malcom
Rank (at time): (pending) / USN
Rank (current): CPO / USN
Currently Living: -
Lebanon Unit: USS John Rogers, USS Guam and USS Yarnell and worked ashore with the 2nd Radio Battalion of the 24 MAU
Lebanon Deployment: (see below)
Association: During Beirut was on USS John Rogers, Guam and Yarnell and worked ashore with the 2nd Radio Battalion of the 24 MAU
Comments: (In regard to No Greater Love Organization) I have not been to their ceremony since the 1991. I went to the initial one in 1987, 88 and 90. Also went to Robert Dean Stethams funereal there also. Haven't been to Camp Lejuene. I met PX Kelly also when he came to the John Rogers with Robert McFarland, Col Gerahty, Col Gerlach and SgtMaj Douglas (who was a very nice guy). PX was a very aware man.
E-Mail: mhmd@home.com
Nash, John W. ![]()
Contact with webmaster: 28 Sept 1997
Added to this database: 18 Oct. 1997
Rank (at time): (pending) / USMC
Rank (current): GySGT / USMC
Unit: MSSG-24, 22nd MAU
Currently Living: Okinawa, JAPAN
Lebanon Deployment: APR 83 - DEC 83
Association: -
Comments: My name is Gysgt John W Nash. I have been sending you my personal information to join me up on this Beirut Connection. Would you please respond to this email so I will know I am reaching you. I am currently stationed in Okinawa, Japan and would like to get in touch with some fellow Beirut Vets prior to the 14th anniversary bombing. I was there during the 23 October bombing, I would like to communicate with some fellow "Vets". Please Respond. Respectfully, John W Nash, "Semper-fi"
NOTE: John, I tried responding and sending e-mail (unsuccessfully) to at the following address: nashj@mwr.kic.or.jp
At this point, I have no way of reaching you other than you reading this. Do you have an alternate e-mail address?- Jeff Hamman -
First of all, "Thanks" a million for this web site on the Beirut Bombing. It really means a lot to me! It seems like there aren't too many us survivors still in the Corps. I am writing to see if I can get an update on the unit awards that were awarded to the servicemen who served in Beirut or off the shores of Beirut from 1982 -1985. I was with MSSG-24, 22nd MAU during the October 23rd Bombing. My unit was deployed from April 1983 to Dec 1983. I deployed two more times with MSSG-24 in 1984 and 1985. I feel very fortunate to have survived the Beirut tradgedy that struck us on Oct 23rd, 1983. The biggest question I have is, why weren't we awarded a Multi National and Peacekeeping Medal? After all, isn't that what we were sent there to do and isn't that why 241 servicemen were killed in their sleep? I feel we owe it to those who died as a rememberence to them, I feel this should have been the first medal awarded. Were weren't even awarded any type of Humanitarian Medal? Supposedly, the President of the United States was going to meet us at Paige field located on Camp Lejeune and award us the Presidential Unit Citation, well he never showed, nor have we received the ribbon. October 23rd is approaching us very soon, I wish I could leave Okinawa to be at the memorial. It would be great seeing you all again. I will be thinking of all of you and especially the families who lost their loved ones almost 14 years ago. My prayers are with you all. Thanks so much for this Beirut connection. Semper-Fi! - Gysgt John W Nash -
NOTE: John referred to this contact area as a Beirut connection. To make a distinction, there is an official organization called the Beirut Connection, formed for support of families of those killed. See: ORGANIZATIONS on this site.- Jeff Hamman -
E-Mail: nashj@mwr.kic.or.jp
or E-Mail (via John Gibbs): gibbsd@mwr.kic.or.jp
Nash, Robert (Bob) - Added to Contacts Database
Noonan, Tim
Contact with webmaster: 27 Oct 1997
Added to this database: 01 Dec 1997
Rank (at time): LCPL / USMC
Unit: HMM162 24th MAU
Currently Living: -
Lebanon Deployment: 5/83 - 12/83
Association: Served in Beirut with HMM-162 On the flight deck of the USS Iwo Jima helping off load wounded from the helicopters.
Comments: This is a good thing to see happening, a site that pays the respect to our fallen comrades. I remember thinking through the months of September and October as we medivac the 5th, 6th, 7th of dead that happened by "stray rounds" that how many more dead it would take before our goverment decided this was no longer a worth while mission. Well we all know how many it took. Now 14 years later there still isn't really any peace there as we know it. And we ( the goverment ) didn't learn from our mistakes in our past, we continue to send our Peacekeepers in harms way for the betterment of some politicians career. Every year goes by I remember the feelings that were running through my mind that day in October and wonder why it had to take as many lives to see we shouldn't have been involved in a religious civil war. My heart goes out to the family and friends of the comrades that died for this ill fated mission.
I only hope that the powers to be can learn from our past and not make this same mistake again, for our own greatest resource is our people, and that can not be replaced. This is a great web site, and I thank you for the time and effort that you have taken to create this. I have been able to locate and rekindle a friendship through the contacts on this page, Thank you again Jeff for your work. Peace to all !
Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the Sons of God.
- St. Matthew 5:9 -
Semper Fi E-Mail: drag848@execpc.com
Nunez, Frank - Added to Contacts Database
O'Brien, Pat
Rank (at time): 1stLT / USMC (in 1982)
Rank (current): Capt - EOS 1984
Currently Living: Dallas, TX USA
Lebanon Unit: 34 MAU, 1982 / C Co. 1/8
Lebanon Deployment: (see comments below)
Association: C Co. XO the year before 1/8 went ashore
Comments: Don't really know how to classify myself. We didn't go ashore during the first float. We were in Israel and threw a party aboard the USS Nassau for some Israeli officers. My roommate said he saw one of the last Israelis to leave the ship, a Colonel, salute and say "See you in Beirut". The next day myself and three other Lts were at Masada sightseeing. I think we were the only tourists who noticed a flight of A-4s with drop tanks and bombs heading toward the boarder a few hundred feet AGL. One of the Lts looked at his watch and said "If they don't turn soon we need to head back to the ship." They didn't turn and we took our taxi back to port. We arrived shortly before the ship was to put to sea. We sat off the coast studying satellite photos and preparing to relieve the US Embassy if needed. Since we were due to be relieved in a couple of weeks (by 2/8 I think) we didn't go ashore on that first float. My CO, Capt Mike Haskell had me transferred to Quantico. He and much of the C Co. staff went to Weapons Co. They called me a couple of days before putting to sea on their final voyage to say goodbye and tease me that they'd come home with the medals while I was now just an office puke. I lost friends Mike Haskell, David Battle, Scotty Sommerhof, Bill Zimmerman and others. I left the Corps, married and have a 2-year-old son. I hate not having been there with my friends yet thank God I wasn't. Mostly, I'm thankful to have known such wonderful souls. I've got a few pictures and would be happy to share stories with anyone interested.
E-Mail: opaide@flash.net
Oliver, John - Added to Contacts Database
Openshaw, Cal 17 Oct 1999
Contact with webmaster: 05 Aug 1999
Added to this database:GYSGT / USMC
Rank (at time): (pending) / USMC
Rank (at EOS):(Ret) (pending)
Currently Living: Virginia Beach, VA USA
Lebanon Unit: (pending)
Lebanon Deployment:
Association: -
Comments: Started reading about this scrapbook attempt and don't know if this is appropriate or not. I have what I believe to be the last living photo of Capt. Mike Ohler, who was killed by a sniper during the "Battle of the Alpha-mo" just before the bombing. I was with the JPAB during that time, and A/!/8 was my primary "beat." I took the photo in his position on top of the Library the night before. I'm also wondering if his widow would be interested in having it. The photo is a grainy color, taken at night with a Disc camera.
E-Mail: rootvet@aol.com
(NOTE: E-mail sent to the above address is returned, so it may be invalid or out-of-date)
I tried to send you a reply, Gunny, but the e-mail address was bad/invalid. The photo did not come through but I would certainly like a copy of it. Please get in touch again when you can. Thanks. - Jeff Hamman -
Overbeck, Kevin- Added to Contacts Database
Palmer, Robert - Added to Contacts Database
Parham, Terry "PAR-HAM"
Contact with webmaster: 13 Apr 1998
Added to this database: 14 Apr 1998
Rank (at time): LCPL / USMC
Rank (current): CPL - EAS 85
Currently Living: Montgomery, AL USA
Lebanon Unit: Golf Co. 2/8 1st plt 1st sqd
Lebanon Deployment: (see comments below)
Association: (see comments below)
Comments: I am proud to have served in Beirut with the USMC.I was not in Beirut at the time of the blast, but lost many dear comrades that will never be fogotten. To the family of those Marines killed in combat on Dec. 4th, 1983. I was with all eight that entire day and night and must say that I miss all of them and they shall remain in my heart and prayers for life. I would like to give pictures to the family's of Sgt Cox, N.J. and L/Cpl Perkins Tn.
E-Mail: tparham@zebra.net
Patterson, Dave
Contact with webmaster: 28 Apr 1998
Added to this database: 01 May 1998
Association: Friend of HM1 Ron Bates, USN who was killed in the 23rd Oct 83 bombing
Comments: Ron and I were both stationed at NRMC Long Beach, CA in the late 1970's. We didn't really get to know each other until we ended up taking some of the same classes while we were working on our undergraduate degrees. He was open and friendly, easy and fun to talk to. We started working on group projects together, and that led to friendship outside of class. He married a nurse, and he and his wife moved into nearby NAS Los Alamitos, just a few doors down from me. They would invite my young son and I over for dinner, or maybe just to watch some TV.In the Fall of 1979, I left the Navy for full-time college and life as a civilian. Ron re-enlisted, and he and his wife were on their way to North Carolina, a move he was looking forward to.
Four years later, while reading the Los Angeles Times, I was startled to see a tribute to Ron in the letters section. The letter was written by a former Navy physician who remembered Ron from NRMC Long Beach. After recovering from the initial shock of learning that Ron was one of the casualties of the Beirut bombing, I took some comfort in the knowledge that he had made such a positive and lasting impact on that doctor. Corpsmen come and go in large Navy hospitals, but even after four years, this doctor remembered him well, and thought highly enough of him to take the time to write that letter to the Times. Fortunately, the newspaper chose to print it. Here's to you, Ron.
E-Mail: none current
Make HTML page
Piercy, Erin Marie
Contact with webmaster: 07 Jan 1998
Added to this database: 21 Jan 1999
Uncle's Rank (at time): HMC / USN
Unit: 1/8 Marines (Medical Chief of Batallion Landing Team)
Currently Living: Spartanburg, SC USA
Lebanon Deployment: -
Association: I am the neice of Chief Hospital Corpsman "Doc" George William Piercy, USN
Comments: I had just turned two when my uncle was killed in Beirut. I don't have very many memories of him except for his funeral. I would like to know more about him and what he was like. What kind of man was he? Did you know him? If you can give me any information pertaining to my uncle it would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.
I am Erin Marie Piercy, the neice of Chief Hospital Corpsman George William Piercy. My uncle was killed in the bombing of the Batallion Landing Team headquarters building on October 23, 1983, in Beirut, Lebanon. I do not remember much about my uncle because he was killed right after my second birthday. I would really like to know more about him. What he was like? What differences did he make in others' lives? I do know that there is a Piercy Award given in his honor and is presented anually to a Navy hospital or a dental technician in a ground logistic or aviation element of a Fleet Marine Force unit who has made a significant contribution. My uncle's last duty assignment was Battalion Medical Chief of Battalion Landing Team, 1st Battalion, 8th Marines in Beirut. If you have any information concerning my uncle I would greatly appreciate you taking the time to share this information with me. Thank you very much.
E-Mail: emh991@hotmail.com
Pierson, Anthony "Tony"
Contact with webmaster: 31 Jan 1999
Added to this database: 12 Feb 1999
Rank (at time): CPL / USMC
Rank (at EOS) : CPL / USMC
Currently Living: Morgan, Utah USA
Lebanon Unit: Echo Co 2/6 Alpha Co 1/2 1983
Lebanon Deployment: Jan 83 - Dec 83
Association: Bombing of U.S. Embassy in Beirut, and Bombing of Marine Headquarters (both 1983)
Comments: I was with Echo company 2/6 line unit when I first went over to serve as the multi peacekeeping unit. My unit was the first ever unit to be deployed on an air alert status when the bombing of the U.S. Embassy happened. We were about 3 miles from the embassy when it happened. Being from Beirut, Lebanon originally, I was very proud to serve with the U.S Marines and wanted very much to serve both countries. If you look at the New York Times from April of 83. You wil see what I look like It was kind of funny how I got my picture in the paper that day. It was from a French journalist wanting so bad to get in the embassy when it was bombed.I then transfered to Alpha Co. 1/2 when we went over for a second time after the bombing of the Marine headquarters. Although it was hard to see the people perish. I would never trade one day for it. I was Proud. "Semper Fi" to all you fellow Marines. Hope to hear from someone that was in my unit.
E-Mail: MCham30550s@aol.com
(NOTE: E-mail sent to the above address is returned, so it may be invalid or out-of-date)
Pitcheralle, Joe "Pitch" - Added to Contacts Database
Puckett, Mike "Woody" - Added to Contacts DatabasePulkowski, Steve "Ski" - Added to Contacts Database
Randall, Ted
Contact with webmaster: 16 Feb 1999
Added to this database: 17 Feb 1999
Rank (at time): LCPL / USN
Rank (at EOS): SSGT / USMC (Ret 6/96)
Currently Living: Miami, FL USA
Lebanon Unit: 2d Platoon, "Guts Golf" BLT 2/8
Lebanon Deployment: Oct 83 - Feb 84
Association: Boot camp, HM and FMSS schools with HM3 Diomedes Quirante
Comments: Every war, every conflict should have a memorial. A shrine erected to remind society of those who made the ultimate sacrifice for peace. Thanks to the good people of Jacksonville and others, we Marines, we band of brothers, we happy few, have the good fortune to have such a memorial. I would like to thank the people who created and maintain this Web site. It is statement in commitment and an important instrument with which to keep memories alive. I am proud to have served in the US Marines and most proud of the time I served in Lebanon. The Marines, friends we lost there are a constant reminder to me that I must live my life to the fullest. To make something out of the peace their sacrifice has provided. I was a young Marine at the time of my involvement in Beirut. I remember it as an exciting time. I kept thinking it was just like a movie. Flares popping off at night, tank and canon fire. The adrenaline rush of the few firefights we had at Bedrock. It was! a thrilling time for me.I'd like to hear from some of the guys, Goss, Lancour, Waltmyer, Parham. Drop me a quick one. Best wishes and Semper Fi.
"We few, we happy few, we band of brothers; For he today that shedsE-Mail: trandallt@netscape.net
his blood with me shall be my brother." - William Shakespeare "Henry V" -
Raney, William - Added to Contacts Database
Reilly, Sean W. - Added to Contacts Database
Reininger, David & Laura - Added to Contacts Database
Richardson, Bruce - Added to Contacts Database
Make HTML page
Rogers, Brenda
Cousin's Rank (at time): CAPT
Currently Living: OH, USA
Cousin's Lebanon Unit: -
Cousin's Lebanon Deployment: -
Association: Cousin of LCPL Bruce Hollingshead, USMC, killed on 23 Oct 83 in Beirut
Comments: I have been looking on the net for a site like this. I was very close with Bruce when we were growing up. I still visit his parents and was with them over Christmas. I miss him so much, he was so young. His parents will never know the feel of a grandchild in their arms. It breaks my heart. Every American that was there has my undying respect and love. I hope those that survived have found the strength to rebuild their lives. I know how you feel. If you have any pictures or memories of Bruce, please feel free to contact me. God Bless You All!! Respectfully yours, Brenda
E-Mail: rogersb@bright.net
Rohrbacker, David
Rank: Civilian
Currently Living: Tuscon, AZ USA
Lebanon Unit: -
Lebanon Deployment: -
Association: Civilian in Beirut, Lebanon at time.
Comments: I have just found your site and wanted to thank you for this very emotional and well done tribute to the courageous men and women who lost their lives in Lebanon.
I was born and raised in Beirut and remember very vividly that fateful day when the explosion happened and can still hear the deafening sounds and black clouds I saw from my grandmother's house in East Beirut the day it happened.
I came to the United States in 1987 and have lived here since then but I still remember feeling so special and safe when the Marines landed in Lebanon and hoping they would bring much longed for peace. Their lives were not lost in vain... many, many Lebanese mourned the Marines who died ... although we did not know them personally, they lost their lives trying to restore peace and independence to Lebanon, and for that I personally say THANK YOU.
I will keep checking your site periodically to see what changes you have made. Thanks again for paying tribute to the Marines who died in Beirut. I had always wondered why there hasn't been a memorial for them.
- Jihane Khawam Rohrbacker - E-Mail: dar.jkr@ix.netcom.com
Roper, Randy
Rank: (pending) / USMC
Unit: (see comments below)
Association: (see comments below)
Comments: I found your Web page looking for anything on an old friend Cpl Ed Gargano. Ed was killed 1-8-84 while helping to evacuate some US interest in Beirut. I served with Ed in Bravo Battery 1/12 based out of Kaneohe Bay, HI. We were on the USS Ogden in the Indian Ocean when the barracks were bombed, attached to BLT 2/3 on a WestPac float.
Ed then got out of the Corps and returned to Mass. A short time later, he re-enlisted out of Lejeune. We got mail from him from time to time. He was in the invasion of Grenada. Then one day in late Jan or Feb of 1984 we were sitting in our barracks at Camp Mu Chuck, Korea where we were attending Mt. Warfare school. Someone brought in a copy of Stars and Stripes. I couldn't believe it. There was a picture of Eddie on the front, headlining that he had been killed in Lebanon, hit by an RPG fired from a passing car.
I'll always remember Ed with his typical dry Northeastern humor. He was an outstanding Marine NCO and an expert at gunnery techniques. It seemed like he was always smiling. He could have stayed out but missed the "good life" of combat arms and the brotherhood that goes with it.
Thank you for your memorial. I hope it reminds people who come across it that Marines and other servicemen die frequently in unknown, obscure places and circumstances but they are doing the same job as the men who raised the flag on Iwo Jima, fought at Chosin and Khe Sanh; doing it so someone back home doesn't have to. - Randy Roper -
E-Mail: rdr@cyberhighway.net
Russell, Stephen - Added to Contacts Database
Rutter, Tom "Scorpion" - Added to Contacts Database
Make HTML page
Salhani, Claude
Rank: Civilian
Lebanon Unit: Member of press pool covering this time.
Lebanon Deployment: -
Association: Photographed U.S. Embassy building at time of April 18th, 1983 bombing (see under HISTORY section of this site). Responsible for many of the photographs that dealt with the Lebanon deployment of US Marines and the barracks bombing. One photograph, taken just moments after the blast, is of a Marine sentry weeping as he stands watch. The picture was widely used at the time and was nominated for a Pulittzer Prize and came in second place.See this Award Winning Photo Claude has also just finished putting a book out on the Middle East, titled "Black September to Desert Storm: A Journalist in the Middle East" published by The University of Missouri Press. There is a chapter dedicated to the Marine bombing and the Multinational Force (MNF) intervention in Lebanon. This book can be purchased at Amazon.com or Barnes & Noble. It is also listed under the RESOURCES section. - Jeff Hamman -]
E-Mail: claude@pressroom.com
WWW: www.upi.com/publications
Schucker, Gary - Added to Contacts Database
Deans, Steve (was incorrectly "Sedeans") - Added to Contacts Database
Seymour, Wayne "Seadog"
Contact with webmaster: 31 Jan 1999
Added to this database: 12 Feb 1999
Rank (at time): PFC (1st tour), LCPL (2nd tour) / USMC
Rank (at EOS) : CPL / USMC (2nd Time - Busted)
Currently Living: Houston, TX USA
Lebanon Unit: H&S CO BLT 2/8, 32nd MAU, 22nd MAU
Lebanon Deployment: 32nd MAU 82-83, 22nd MAU 83-84
Association: Two time Vet, before and after bombing. Sent to Grenada before we could relieve 1/8
Comments: I lived in the second floor of the building during our first tour there in 82-83 with the 32nd MAU. I remember that it was one of the Airport Administration buildings that had been shot up pretty well as there were holes throughout the structure, and many missing windows from previous fighting prior to our arrival. I was just a boot at the time and we were not even permitted to carry loaded weapons during the first deployment. We had previously evacuated the PLO and some civilians and taken them to Greece before we were called back to become part of the Multinational Peacekeeping Force. The first tour was relatively quiet compared with subsequent deployments. We were on our way to relieve 1/8 on my 2nd tour when we were diverted to invade Grenada in Operation Urgent Fury. I often feel guilty and somehow lucky that we did not arrive in Beirut as scheduled. I would have been in the building once again and perhaps would have died instead of living on. I often think of those friends that I lost who were fellow cooks from 1/8 at Camp Gieger. We all worked at the same facility with members of 1/8, 2/8, and 3/8. Those who are still in my memory are GYSGT Kimm, LCPL Hairston, CPL James, CPL Langdon, SGT Lewis, & LCPL Silvia, may they all rest in peace. I would also like to receive contact from any of my fellow buddies who were there. These include (Scantless) Tom Auld, Lawrence Collie, SGT Mathis, (Ziggy) Johnson, SSGT Pruitt, Stacey Spina & also CAPT Oliver who was living in our same building or any others who may remember me or know any of those listed. This is a great site and I would appreciate any information available concerning this matter, or reunions. SEMPER FI !!!
E-Mail: wseymour@webtv.net
Shields, Chip - Added to Contacts Database
Simmons, Charles - Added to Contacts Database
Skeen, James (Jimmy)
Contact with webmaster: 12 Sept 1998
Added to this database: 25 Sept 1998
Rank (at time): LCPL / USMC
Rank (at eos): (OUT)
Unit: MSSG 24, 24th MAU Truck Plt
Currently Living: GA USA
Lebanon Deployment: 82 - 84
Association: Was in Beirut at the time of the bombing.
Comments: October 23, 1983 was a day that changed my life forever. The bombing of the B.L.T., or as the news always said "the Marine Barracks" in Beirut, Lebanon. Where over 200 of my comrads were killed by a truck bomb while they slept. I was a member of truck plattoon and we were in tents near the building when it was destroyed. I will never forget the sound of so many wounded men crying out for their lives and the voice of Gunner Allen yelling out who to help first. For several days we removed bodies from the rubble left by the bomb. My prayers go out daily for these lost friends and their families.I would like to hear from some of the other guys that I served with. You can email me at: MeanGreen_83@hotmail.com
E-Mail: MeanGreen_83@hotmail.com
(NOTE: E-mail sent to the above address is returned, so it may be invalid or out-of-date)
Smith, Greg - Added to Contacts Database
Smith, Richard E.
Contact with webmaster: 05 Aug 1998
Added to this database: 05 Aug 1998
Rank (at time): SGT-SSGT / USMC
Rank (current): = SGTMAJ (Still Active) Lebanon Unit: BLT 1/8 TANK PLT.
Lebanon Deployment: Apr 83 - Dec 83
Currently Living: Camp Pendleton, CA USA
Association: Deployed at time.
Comments: I fired my tank in support of C Co. The first tank to fire in The Root. Those Marines will never be forgotten by me. My address is: SGTMAJ SMITH R.E.E-Mail: SMITH@BLT 1-4@11THMEU2
P.O. BOX 555432
(NOTE: E-mail sent to the above address is returned, so it may be invalid or out-of-date)
NOTE: SGTMAJ, I tried responding and sending e-mail (unsuccessfully) to the above address. If you read this posting and can send me e-mail, I will post an accurate e-mail address. Thanks for your entry, always great to have a member of the active duty ranks on board. Also, 15th year reunion (and all US Veterans of Lebanon) info can be found at: http://www.usmc.mil/reunions/reunions.nsf/approved?openview&count=999999 and scroll down to 10/22/98.
- Jeff Hamman -
Snyder, Marshall K.
Contact with webmaster: 06 Nov 1998
Added to this database: 17 Nov 1998
Rank (at time): CAPT / USMC
Rank (at EAS): Retired as LtCol in 1997
Currently Living: Vienna, VA USA
Lebanon Unit: HQ, 22nd MAU (Comm PLT)
Lebanon Deployment: Nov 83 - Mar 84
Association: CommO for 22nd MAU during its last Beirut deployment.
Comments: I was asleep on the USS Guam, 2 days from the landing at Grenada, when my duty Comm Center operator woke me up to show me the first of many OPREP 3 messages on the BLT 1/8 bombing. With each message, the numbers of dead got large - I got little sleep that night. I never say any of the TV coverage of the bombing and actually was in Beirut 3 weeks later before I even saw any magazines about the coverage. My personal memories about Beirut center on the 4 Dec 83 raid on the Bekaa Valley and and the subsequent attack on BLT 2/8 that killed SGT Cox and much of his squad. Members of my platoon and I helped unload the dead and wounded from the AAV that brought them to MSSG hospital - that night is forever engraven in my memory! Of the seven platoons that I commanded in 20 years in the Marine Corps, the comm platoon that I had in Beirut was the best. Every one of those Marines did his job and also filled thousands of sand bags, manned the perimeter at night, and did a thousand other things with a spirit and professionalism that was incredible. Marines like CPL Grundman, who served 3 times in Beirut and then made a 4th MED cruise. I'd like to hear from any 22nd MAU Marines who are out there.
E-Mail: snyderm1@bellatlantic.net
Stalvey, Ben ![]()
Contact with webmaster: 22 Jul 1997
Added to this database: 18 Oct 1997
Rank: CPL / USMC
Unit: "C" Co. 1st Bn. 8th Mar., 2ndMarDiv
Currently Living: -
Lebanon Deployment: May83 - Nov83
Association: Battalion/Company Bugler
Comments: Hello. Hope this finds everyone doing well and in good health. I was a member of Charlie Company 1/8. At the time of the bombing our company position was along side of the runway, about halfway down. I was the Company weapons armorer and played the bugle for morning and evening colors. I also played taps for each memorial service that was held on land and ship. I lost my best friend, Cpl Brett Croft, on that Sunday morning. Brett and I grew up together in Lakeland, FL and attended the same school. I will forever miss him. I would like to join any Beirut Veterans organization and contribute in any way possible. Please send me E-mail anytime and tell me about yourself.
Sincerest regards, Ben Stalvey
E-Mail: BStalvey@InfoAve.Net
NOTE: You can find information on the Beirut Veterans of America by going to the link on this site and sending email:
- Jeff Hamman -
Stethem, Richard - Added to Contacts Database
Stewart, Michael "Mad Dog"
Contact with webmaster: 10 Aug 1999
Added to this database: 17 Oct 1999
Rank (at time): LCPL / USMC
Rank (current): GYSGT / USMC
Unit: 1/8 Aco 2ND PLT
Currently Living: Greenville, NC USA
Lebanon Deployment: MAY 83 - DEC 83
Association: Six hours prior to the bombing I was sleeping on the 4th floor of that building.
Comments: I had just came back from RR in Turkey, the group of Marines and Sailors that I had just had libo with were to stay at the BN HQ for the night, we were set up on the 4th deck. Just as we hit the rack, word came down from higher to get our stuff together, because we were going to join our company. It turned out that LTCOL Gerlach wanted to see CAPT Roy, so he took us with him. Policy in a Co. was, when you came off RR you went straight to post. After 6 hours of duty, my relief showed up and I walked back to the library (Leb. library converted to barracks) I was just about to lay down when the bomb went off. We were about 5 miles away and it felt like our building had been hit, since we were engaged alot from the Shiite Militia using RPG's. We manned the Mot and saw the mushroom cloud. Marines went down to help with the rescue/recovery operation.
E-Mail: stewardmd@2fssg.usmc.mil
Stubbs, Jeff L. - Added to Contacts Database
Sutton, Tony - Added to Contacts Database
Tannenbaum, Greg 'TANK'
Rank (at time): PFC / USMC
Rank (current): -
Currently Living: -
Lebanon Unit: Weapons Company 2/8
Lebanon Deployment: Oct 83 - 84 (pullout)
Military: -
Comments: I am Greg / TANK, I was in Beirut from 83/84! I would like to hear from men that were in Beirut when I was there; Also friends or family of Jeff Hattaway; Cpl Gargano; who were friends of mine and in my unit!!
E-Mail: tanknj1@aol.com
Thielepape, Krispen
Rank (at time): -
Rank (current): -
Currently Living: -
Lebanon Unit: (Tim McMahon - Weapons Company 1/8)
Lebanon Deployment: -
Association: Friend of LCPL Tim McMahon
Comments: Just looking for anyone who may have known Tim. WPNS Co. 1st Bat 8th Mar 24 MAU 81's Plt. He was killed October 23, 1983. God Bless
E-Mail: skthielepape@worldnet.att.net
Thomas, Mike - Added to Contacts Database
Thurston, Sherry
Association: Artist who has done a painting of several Marines in a unit that was eventually deployed to Beirut. She is hoping someone can identify anyone in the photo.
Please see: "Waiting"
E-Mail: thurstonart@nternet.net
Tobin, Calvin Jay, Jr. - Added to Contacts Database
Toma, Mike - Added to Contacts Database
Torres, Freddie Vincent "T"
Contact with webmaster: 06 Aug 1999
Added to this database: 17 Oct 1999
Rank (at time): SGT / USMC
Rank (at EOS): -
Currently Living: New York (Queens), NY USA
Lebanon Deployment: (pending)
Association: (see below)
Comments: This is a very hard for me. I visited the Memorial a long time ago with a my buddy Mal Davis who was also in C. Co 1/8 3rd platoon 3rd Herd. We met LT Zimmermen's parents. To me, that was the hardest thing. Me and my buddies (Gilbert Ortiz, Danny Aponte, Gordon, Davis, Rayes "with the falt hat" CPL Cruz, Staffin, and all the guys who came from Parris Island in 79. They will always be my brother to the last day I take my breath of air on this earth. To all the family members, if you ever need a picture drawn of any of my brothers, please e-mail or call me at (212) 973-0603. Semper Fi
E-Mail: latino942fvt@hotmail.com
Truman, Richard B.
Rank (at time): CPL / USMC
Rank (current): 1stSGT / USMC
Lebanon Unit: 24th MAU, HMM-162
Lebanon Deployment: May 83 - Dec 83
Military: 6172/6112: MCRD Parris Is Plt 3044, grad: 9/80, HMM-163/268 Dec 80-May 81. HMM-162 81-85, Beirut 23 Oct 83, HMX-1 86-90, MCAS Iwakuni 90-96, presently 1stSgt of "A" Co, HQMC, Henderson Hall (transferred from HMX-1 on 18 May 99)
Association: In Beirut from May-Dec 1983, including time of bombing Oct. 23, 1983. Aided in triage and care of wounded on the Iwo and evac on the 24th.
Comments: My thoughts and prayers to the families of my brethren who lost their lives on that day so long ago and to the family of Mike Barrett who succumbed to Leukemia. To the good times that we had, Mike, SEMPER FI! B.
As a veteran of the 24th MAU, with HMM-162, I want to thank you for this web site. It brought back a flood of memories from a time so long ago. Seeing the photo of the blast was chilling. It's a good thing that we don't forget the tragedy that took so many lives. I'm sure that I will visit this web site many times to read the scrapbook and to show my kids a part of history that I was involved with. Thanks again! - GySgt Richard B. Truman USMC -
E-Mail (Richard & Laura): truman@pop.erols.com
Tuell, Ronald Duane
Contact with webmaster: 02 Nov 1998
Added to this database: 17 Nov 1998
Rank (at time): CPL / USMC
Rank (current): Gysgt / Gysgt / 2 years till ret. / still going
Currently Living: Mitchell, IN USA
Lebanon Unit: Fox Co. 2 Blt - 8th Marines / 22 Mau
Lebanon Deployment: Oct 83 - Apr 84
Association: Member of 22 Mau, F Co. 2nd Blt. - 8th Marines that landed Nov. 4, 1983 after the invasion of Grenada, we provide external security around the British Embassy after everything was moved over from the American Embassy.
Comments: I am very happy that some one contacted me about this site, I did not know that such a web site was established. After reading through this site it was outstanding and I will have it book marked forever. I lost two good buddies that was in the blast in Oct. and one while we was at the embassy. Our Company provided external security for the British Embansy after the American Embansy blew up. Never forget the ones that died for peace. I do try and visit the memorial every year and will always.
E-Mail: rdt752@smtp.crane.navy.mil
Ulick, Bradley M.
Contact with webmaster: 24 Jun 1997
Added to this database: 24 Jun 1997
Rank (at time): CPL / USMC
Rank (recent): -
Lebanon Unit: Headquarters, 24th Marine Amphibious Unit (MAU)
Lebanon Deployment: Two tours: Mar '83 - Dec '83 & Feb '84 - Aug '84
Military: (pending)
Association: I served 2 tours in Beirut. After the explosion of the barracks, I was NCOIC [Non-Commissioned Officer In Charge] of the Graves Registry Party. In 1984, I returned to Beirut as part of the Beirut Security Force.
Comments: As a part of the S-2 section of the Headquarters, we were housed on the third deck of the BLT headquarters. Due to a fire fight on the proceeding evening, I was forced to sleep in the basement of an adjacent building. Preparing to return to the building on the morning of October 23rd, I was forced to the ground by the shots and explosion. Like the rest of us, sometimes it all seems so far away, and other times it seems like it just happened. The memories of that time will be a part of me for the rest of my life. I am interested in hearing from families members and friends of those who lost loved ones in the attack. Semper Fi!
E-Mail: ulick@kuntrynet.com
Utley, Tim
Contact with webmaster: 03 Nov 1997
Added to this database: 08 Nov 1997
Rank (at time): LCPL / USMC
Rank (recent): -
Association: Former member of C Co., 3rd platoon, 1st Bn. 8th Mar.
Comments: I was a member of C Company, 3rd Platoon, 1/8, up until the deployment to Beirut. I lost most of my comm and structure and some friends from the time I was in the FMF. This site has proven to be a pilgrimage of sorts for me that I can return to again and again. A big congratulations to Jeff Hamman and all the others who contribute to this site to honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice. Semper Fi
E-Mail: TUtley9748@aol.com
Vaughn, David
Contact with webmaster: 24 Apr 1998
Added to this database: 25 Apr 1998
Rank (at time): CPL / USMC
Rank (recent): CPL EOS-86
Lebanon Unit: HMM-162
Lebanon Deployment: MAY 83 - DEC 83
Currently Living: CT, USA
Association: Served aboard USS Iwo Jima
Comments: -
E-Mail: grumbag@hotmail.com
Vincze, Joe
Contact with webmaster: 24 Apr 1998
Added to this database: 25 Apr 1998
Rank (at time): CPL / USMC
Rank (recent): CPL EOS-NOV 84
Lebanon Unit: HMM-162
Lebanon Deployment: APR 83 - NOV 83
Currently Living: Villa Park, IL USA
Association: Helped Med-Evac wounded to the USS Iwo Jima on the day of the bombing
Comments: As many of us, my life was changed on the 23rd of October. I personally did not know any of the men that were in the barracks that day, I just knew that they were Marines. On that day we all reached deep down inside and did what we had to do to help a fellow Marine. We all died a little that day on a land far from home and away from our loved ones. As long as we remember them they are never gone.
*They are the lucky ones, they do not have to live with the memories of that day. They have moved on and joined the ranks of the honored. Let us honor them by remembering. Semper Fi!
*To the family of Mike Barrett, He will always be remembered. Semper Fi Mike!
E-Mail: jv630@aol.com
Von Hoene , Robert
Contact with webmaster: 13 Aug 1999
Added to this database: 17 Oct 1999
Rank (at time): LCPL-83 and CPL-84 / USMC
Rank (current): CPL / USMC (EOS - Sept '85)
Currently Living: Cincinnati, OH USA
Lebanon Unit: Bravo Co. 2nd Recon Bn.
Lebanon Deployment: Feb 83 - May 83 and Apr 84 - Aug 84
Association: (see below comments)
Comments: I went over in '83 with B.L.T. 2/6, 22nd M.A.U. We were there when the U.S. Embassy was bombed; they sent us to the Ambassador's residence for security on top of a mountainside. We did motorized recon patrols in 4 jeeps through the city most of the time. We were relieved by Charlie Co. in May; our unit lost 26 good men. Sgt. Jeffrey Young and I went to A.R.S. together in '82. I've contacted his mother Judy and Pablo Arroyo, who survived the bombing. We went back in '84 for external security on the cornice at 2 O.P.'s; one was called "Rocky Top". I forget the other one. Anyone out there I know E-mail me at robert.vonhoene@cfd.rcc.org. I'm now on the Cincinnati Fire Dept. I've also been on the Cincinnati Bomb Unit since '94 as a Bomb Tech. Thanks for such a great website, my fallen brothers will not be forgotten. - Bob -
E-Mail: robert.vonhoene@cfd.rcc.org
Vormwald, Tom - Added to Contacts Database
Walling, Clifford "CC" - Added to Contacts Database
Wells (formerly Haskell), Christine - Added to Contacts Database
HTML Page, but no Db entry
Weygandt, Steven P. (NOTE: E-mail sent to the above address is returned, so it may be invalid or out-of-date)
Rank: CPL / USMC (at time) [later a SGT]
Unit: BLT 3/8, 24th MAU
Currently Living: Albany, OR USA
Military: 0151/0341 81/88 MCRD San Diego Platoon 2071 Nov 81
Out: MarBrks-Keflavik, Iceland | Camp Lejeune, 1stBn, 8thMar & 3rdBn, 8thMar | 24thMAU, American Embassy, Beirut
Association: In Lebanon from 14 Feb 84 - 26 Aug 84. Lost former roommate, fellow Marine, and good friend, LCPL Lyndon Hue (we called him Max).
Comments: See Detailed Comments | Years later, I visited the memorial near the Camp Johnson gate. I looked at the names on the wall and realized how easily it could have been my name up there too. We owe it to them not to forget, and to strive for peace and understanding between nations. This event remains a milestone in my life. I will remember it and the men we lost for the rest of my life.
E-Mail: weyco@dnc.net
Wheeler, Danny - Added to Contacts Database
Whipple, Kevin - Added to Contacts Database
Whisenant, Walter - Added to Contacts Database
Wilder, James/Jim/ Wildman
Contact with webmaster: 27 Jun 1998
Added to this database: 14 Jul 1998
Rank (at time): LCPL / USMC
Lebanon Unit: 32nd MAU/ 2/8 H&S Comm. Company
Lebanon Deployment: Aug 1982
Currently Living: Louisville, KY USA
Association: Evacuated non-combatants & the PLO
Comments: I was in Beirut during the evacuations of the non-combatants and the PLO in 1982, aboard the USS Nashville, LPD 13. I was transfered to another unit after returning to the States because I was nearing my release date. I had an option of re-uping and returning to Beirut, but I refused. I felt guilty, for awhile, after the bombing. I some how felt that I had deserted my unit. I visited the Memorial last year and as the tears swelled in my eyes I felt the hurt again. Thank you for this site, may we never forget them.I am looking for anyone stationed with 2/8 H&S Comm. Company at Geiger during 1981-1983, or on the USS Nashville, while in Beirut in 1982.
E-Mail: jwilderjr@aol.com
Wilcox, Ken Contact with webmaster: 14 Jul 1999
Added to this database: 17 Oct 1999
Rank (at time): 1STLT / USMC
Rank (at EOS): CAPT / USMC
Currently Living: Maryville, TN USA
Lebanon Unit: 22 MSSG
Lebanon Deployment: Dec 82 - May 83
Association: -
Comments: Went over as Commo for MSSG 22. While serving in a collateral capacity as American liason at the Presidential Palace the French liason (seated beside me) recieved a call from one of his outposts near our Embassy. He told me that our Embassy had been hit and that numerous casualties were certain. I called the MAU to inform them that we had been hit and the CO sent a platoon of Marines to protect the area.That afternoon I gave SSgt Mumford an American Flag that I had brought from home and he held a flag raising ceremony in front of the embassy. (I still have this flag if someone has an idea of a museum that might like to have it.) The next day we set up a temporary Embassy in the apartments of the surviving Embassy workers.I remember how impressed I was, that these Embassy personnel, who never signed up to get shot at, now wounded and bandaged, were seated behind Marine field desks the next day, in their own homes, doing their jobs, as if nothing had happened. At lunchtime they met in one of the apartments and planned a memorial service for their coworkers.
E-Mail: kmek@gateway.net
Wilcox, Burton
Contact with webmaster: 02 Jun 1998
Added to this database: 14 Jul 1998
Rank (at time): LCPL / USMC
Rank (at eos): = SGT at EOS Lebanon Unit: 24th MAU BLT 1/8 Charlie Battery
Lebanon Deployment: May 83 - Dec 83
Currently Living: Maine USA
Association: Witnessed and helped with the rescue
Comments: Would like to speak with any brother during this period. Remember all who gave all, and may they rest in peace forever!
Not a day goes by that I don't remember what happened... seem's the rest of the world has forgotten us. Never forget those who didn't come home with us and I would like to send my deepest regret's to the families of the fallen. I was glad to have found this web site. I am proud to have had the chance to know and serve with all of you.
E-Mail: bart1_99@hotmail.com
Wildermuth, Mark "Willy" - Added to Contacts Database
Williams, Douglas
Contact with webmaster: 10 Jun 1997
Added to this database: 18 Oct 1997
Rank: MM2 / USN (medically retired)
Unit: -
Currently Living: -
Lebanon Deployment: APR 83 - OCT 83
Association: -
Comments: I am a Beirut veteran, disabled, USN 34yrs old. We went there to keep peace and found war and with our strong beliefs of freedom and peace we stayed until one day, in a split second a lot of brave souls gave their lives in that peace and freedom they believed in! I have no regrets because God above will take a soldier who's trying to keep the God in which we trust and his love and power alive for democracy.
I dedicate this to all my fallen comrades, may God bless them and their families.
I would like a brochure if I could have one, I was there from 4-83 until 10-83 and I still feel the pain, if they cost tell me (e-mail) I am wanting to come and see the monument but I am not ready yet, thank you sir. God bless America.
- MM2 Williams, USN / Disabled Beirut Veteran - E-Mail: darsn@dmrtc.net
Willis, George "Ted" - Added to Contacts Database
Yeager, Alton - Added to Contacts Database
Young, Dale (Angus)
Contact with webmaster: 10 Jul 1998
Added to this database: 14 Jul 1998
Rank (at time): LCPL / USMC
Lebanon Unit: Golf Battery, BLT 3/8 24th MAU
Lebanon Deployment: Apr 84 - Jul 84
Military: Golf Battery, 155mm towed howitzers
3rd Battalion, 10th Marines, 2nd Marine Division
From 1982-1986
Currently Living: -
Association: Part of last BLT ot go ashore in Beirut in 84.
Comments: Just found the page. I have always thought that we were swept under the rug in an effort to "sanitize" history but now I see that the Marines in Beirut are in fact remembered. Semper Fi to my Brothers that fell there.
Good friend from Boot Camp was killed in the bombing. Another friend from Boot Camp survived the bombing.
E-Mail: DYoung@doverintl.com
(NOTE: E-mail sent to the above address is returned, so it may be invalid or out-of-date)
Young, Judy - Added to Contacts Database
More names from Lost Buddies locator [www.thefew.com]
URL: http://cahpwww.nbc.upenn.edu/~hamman/bmol/people/index.html
This site is under constant ongoing evolutionary change.
Created 08/21/98 | Last Modified 10/17/99Please relay any questions, comments, discrepencies, or inquiries about this web site via E-mail to :
Jeffrey A. Hamman