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The Beirut Memorial Foundation serves as a non-profit support organization maintaining the upkeep of the monument and tree planting project in Jacksonville, NC. The contact information is pending, but donations can be made through either the Beirut Connection or the Beirut Veterans of America specifying "Beirut Memorial" in the correspondence.
The Beirut Memorial Foundation
(address pending)Or E-Mail: mbellzey@onslowonline.net
BEIRUT CONNECTION The Beirut Connection serves as a non-profit support organization for the families of servicemen lost in Lebanon. Membership is encouraged for any interested individual. Donations can be made to the same address listed below with specifying "Beirut Memorial".
The Beirut Connection
c/o Judy Young and Joan Muffler
30 Eraser Road
Moorestown, NJ 08057Or E-Mail: jyoung83@aol.com
Stamps may be purchased from this organization for $5/sheet. These stamps have no U.S. Postal mailing value, but rather, serve as a reminder to the men lost in the peacekeeping mission in Beirut, in addition to supplying a small donation to this organization. Please make checks payable to the "Beirut Connection" and mail to the above address.BROCHURE
Including a self-addressed stamped envelope will get you a brochure (limited supply).
Or E-Mail: jyoung83@aol.com
BEIRUT VETERANS of AMERICA The Beirut Veterans of America serves as a non-profit support organization for the servicemen that served in Lebanon. Membership is encouraged for any interested individual in order to support the fraternal and patriotic activities of its regular and associate members. In addition to other activities, a organizational newsletter is published: ROOT SCOOP II
Beirut Veterans of America
c/o Gunner Dick Driggs USMC (Ret)
P.O. Box 607130
Orlando, FL 32860-7130Or e-mail...
NAMETITLE or OFFICE EMAIL ADDRESSGunner Driggs BVA President ddriggs@addison-hvac.com Don "Gunny" Inns BVA Vice President gunnyinns@fuse.net Randy Gaddo BVA SEC / ROOT SCOOP II Editor cwo4@gateway.net Maj Bob Jordan (USMC RET) Public Relations / Media Inquiries bvahq@aol.com ON-LINE FORM
Would you rather fill out an electronic form for BVA membership?
Please use the BVA membership form provided here: BVA FORMELECTRONIC MAIL
Do you have questions about joining? Or if your browser does not support forms, you can write to the above address or send e-mail to the following
e-mail address: ddriggs@addison-hvac.comABOUT THE PRESIDENT:
CWO-5 Dick Driggs USMC (Ret) is the new BVA President, having been elected last year. He was the first CWO-5 selected by the Marine Corps. He's a "Gunner", specializing in tanks and infantry arms. He's also president of Addison Manufacturing in Orlando, FL. He is a veteran of the 1958 landing in Beirut and his son is a 1983 Beirut Vet.ABOUT THE EDITOR:
Randy Gaddo also served with the USMC in Beirut, Lebanon in 1983.
URL: http://www.beirut-memorial.org/organizations/index.html
This site is under constant ongoing evolutionary change.
Created 10/22/97 | Last Modified 07/03/2000
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